Who lacks Calcium? And why?

Hover below to find out more.

  • Vegans and people who are lactose intolerant

    Dairy is the top source of calcium in most diets, so if you avoid those products, you may not be getting enough of the mineral. Loading up on plenty of non-dairy calcium sources, such as collard greens and broccoli, may help offset this. But how much do you have to eat just to get the sufficient requirement?

  • Postmenopausal women

    During and after menopause, women produce less estrogen, which in turn decreases calcium absorption and increases bone resorption (the breakdown of old bone). This can lead to osteoporosis. The RDA for adult women through age 50 is 1,000 mg, and 1,200 mg after that.

  • Women with amenorrhea

    Amenorrhea is a condition in which menstrual periods stop (or never start) due to low body weight, a hormonal imbalance, stress, or other causes. Women who don’t get a period have reduced circulating estrogen levels, which can mess with calcium balance.

11-25 years old require peak calcium intake

If you’re past this age and have yet to consume calcium supplements, you need to start right now!

We often think: “I’m still young and I don’t require that calcium yet. Moreover, my bones feel fine.”


Don’t wait till late 40s or 50s before thinking calcium intake is essential.
Based on scientific studies, it has shown that women between 11-25 years old require peak calcium intake of 1200-1500mg per day based on a NIH consensus for Caucasians. (1) In Chinese-Americans, calcium retention increased with calcium intakes to achieve maximal calcium retention were 1100 mg/day in boys and 970 mg/day in girls. (2)

Although the amount required reduces slightly after 25 years old, it is still more than what is required for the initial growth period of 1-4 years old.

Overlooking the lack of calcium will cause…

neuromuscular irritability. muscle cramps in legs or arms. twitching muscles. numbness and tingling of fingers and toes. confusion or disorientation.

Inadequate vitamin D production and action, nutritional deficiency, lack of sunlight exposure and malabsorption are common causes of hypocalcemia.

The most common sign of hypocalcemia is what is called “neuromuscular irritability.” Your nerves and muscles, which are directly related to blood calcium levels, may spasm or twitch.

If your blood test results indicate hypocalcemia, you may notice muscle cramps in your legs or your arms.

With severely lowered blood calcium levels, you may become confused or disoriented. Your heart muscle may contract irregularly due to the electrolyte disturbance. What other symptoms will you notice?


The symptoms of hypocalcemia you experience may related to how fast or how slowly the fall in blood calcium levels occur.

  • If you have long-standing low blood calcium levels, you may notice no symptoms of hypocalcemia.
  • If you have an “acute” or sudden drop in your blood calcium level, you may notice more twitching.
  • You may notice, with mildly lowered blood calcium levels, numbness and tingling of your fingers and toes.
  • You may notice that you are depressed, or more irritable if you have mildly low hypocalcemia.

The only
Calcium Supplement
you will ever need


Plant-based Calcium


Easy Absorption


USDA Organic Certified


Doesn’t cause Constipation


Suitable for vegans


Calcium naturally sourced


Proven to increase bone density


Helps improve and protect skin


Helps improve joint flexibility, joint health and bone health

Product of Canada    


Normal Calcium Tablets
Calcium✓ Calcium Carbonate
✓ Organic Plant Calcium
Vitamin D
✓ Boron from FruiteX-B
Silicon (silica)
Vitamin C

One stack of “Calcium Carbonate with Vitamin D” tablets from the pharmacy cost as little as $2.50.

Cheap, but is it good? Calcium Carbonate + Vitamin D = Strong Bones? Definitely not.

The optimal formula for strong bones contains other vital trace elements that AlgaeCal has included into the Calcium supplement that you really need.

AlgaeCal (Calcium, magnesium, boron, copper, manganese, silicon (silica), nickel, selenium, strontium, phosphorus, potassium, vanadium and zinc) + with added Magnesium + Vitamins D3 and C + Boron = Strong Bones

Vitamins and minerals often work together, especially to build strong and healthy bones. We’re introduced to stand alone vitamins that often made us overlook this crucial point.

Magnesium helps convert Vitamin D into its active form.

Why is it important?

Most people know they need calcium for healthy bone growth, but in order for calcium to be properly absorbed into your bones, another key ingredient is required.

Magnesium is crucial in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. One key point of magnesium is absorption. Calcium needs magnesium to be fully utilized and gets absorbed into the bones.

Without magnesium, calcium cannot stay dissolved in the blood, causing calcification of arteries and bone joints or ending up as deposits in the kidney, creating kidney stones.

Magnesium helps convert Vitamin D into its active form, which is another essential element for efficient calcium absorption. Thus, the more calcium we absorb, the more that gets into our bones.

Magnesium keeps calcium dissolved in the blood. Without the proper balance of magnesium to calcium, calcium ends up depositing in your kidneys and can create kidney stones, in your coronary arteries resulting in clogged arteries, and in joint cartilage, rather than in your bones where you need it most. The more calcium you take without the balancing effect of magnesium, the more symptoms of magnesium deficiency and calcium excess you are liable to experience, says Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, magnesium expert and Medical Director of the nonprofit Nutritional Magnesium Association.

How much Magnesium do I need in a day?

320 mg

Female, 31+

420 mg

Male, 31+

2 choices for getting magnesium in your body:

  1. Diet rich in high-magnesium foods
  2. Daily supplements

The list below shows how much magnesium found in a 100 grams serving of each of the following foods:

  • Nuts and Seeds: Squash and Pumpkin Seeds → 534 mg
  • Dark Chocolate → 327 mg
  • Fish: Mackerel, Pollock and Tuna → 97 mg
  • Beans and Lentils: White Beans, Kidney Beans and Garbanzo Beans → 86 mg
  • Dark Leafy Greens: Spinach, Chard and Kale → 79 mg
  • Dried Fruit: Prunes, Apricots and Dates → 68 mg
  • Whole Grains: Brown Rice, Quinoa and Bulgur → 44 mg
  • Bananas → 27 mg

Live2Move AlgaeCal includes

350 mg

of Magnesium per daily serving, in addition to organic, plant-based calcium

Calcium from Milk… Is it really Healthy or Effective?

A lot of people grow up learning that cow’s milk is packed with high-quality protein, calcium, and vitamins and is an essential part of a healthy diet. Part of the reason for this is undoubtedly that the dairy industry has managed to imprint these ideas into the public’s mind via clever marketing campaigns. What don’t people know about milk? How does the consumption of milk derived from another animal (e.g., a cow) affect the human body? What makes milk different from other foods that are a part of the human diet?

Milk is not a simple food but a most sophisticated endocrine signalling system of mammals to promote postnatal growth, let´s compare it to a specialized form of postnatal doping. Milk provides two key signals fulfilling its task: essential branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs=milk´s hardware) and milk´s gene regulatory software (milk-derived microRNAs transported in nanovesicles called exosomes). These two pathways enhance the activity of the kinase mTORC1. Over-activation of mTORC1 drives all diseases of civilization such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Comparison of milk-miRNA-mediated epigenetic signaling to the human milk recipient.
Derived from Milk’s Role as an Epigenetic Regulator in Health and Disease by Melnik et al.

Milk consumption drives persistent activation of mTORC1, which promotes age-dependent diseases such as acne, obesity, type 2 diabetes, prostate cancer, and Parkinson´s disease.

MicroRNAs control about 60% of human genes. With the introduction of bovine microRNAs into the human food chain, which are able to regulate human gene expression, humans got under gene control by another species, the dairy cow.

It’s generally believed that dairy food consumption is beneficial with respects to bone strength and osteoporosis risk. However, much research, including some large epidemiological studies showing that bone fracture risk correlates positively with dairy intake, questions the validity of this idea. Recent epidemiological research, especially of the Harvard group around Walter Willett provided strong evidence that dairy food and milk consumption increase the risk of bone (hip) fractures in people of higher age.

There is abundant calcium in vegetables like broccoli and mineral water. Important for bone health is sufficient exercise and sufficient vitamin D supply (sun light). However, Magnesium is still an essential element in increasing bone density that is obtained by Magnesium-rich foods.

Live2Move AlgaeCal sufficiently contains all the essential elements that you require daily. Which you would get by drinking cow’s milk, but without the risk of miRNA transfer and the causes of many dieseases.

Doctors Agree: Plant Calcium is Superior

“I don’t think everyone should be taking calcium that’s derived from rocks. The standard forms of calcium [rock based] I have some real concern- and that concern has grown over the years as I’ve looked at the literature more and more.”

Dr. Gilbert R KaatsPhD, Chairman and CEO of Integrative Health Technologies, Inc.

“In the search for the best for my patients, and the best for products to formulate, I found that one product, an algae-derived calcium, has actually done studies that demonstrated modest but definitely positive improvement, something that has been lacking in the studies of calcium citrate and calcium carbonate.”

Dr. Lawrence A. MayAmerican physician, author and public speaker

“It is certainly the best source of calcium we can provide to our patients… it provides over 1600 mg of trace minerals and over 700 mg of calcium and supplies our daily needs beautifully.”

Dr. Robert ThompsonBoard-certified obstetrician and gynecologist in Soldotna and Anchorage, Alaska

“Plant based calcium is uniquely supported by significant science. Tests show it is better absorbed by our bodies.”

Dr. Marcus LauxWorld renowned expert in Natural Medicine and licensed naturopathic physician


Calcium make sebum, the natural oily-waxy coating that allow the skin to keep its moisture.

Calcium plays a huge role in skin health. This includes cell renewal, maintaining the lipid (fat) barrier that keeps it smooth and supple, and antioxidant protection. Most of the skin’s calcium is in the epidermis, the outermost layer. Without enough calcium stored in the epidermis, skin looks fragile, dry and worn-out as it gets bombarded by pollution, dry winter winds, sun UV rays, and chemicals in makeup.

Calcium also helps make sebum, the natural oily-waxy coating that keeps its moisture. A calcium supplement might help in a chronic rash. Wrinkles and sagging may be caused by age-related changes in your facial bones as much as skin because facial bone structure has deteriorated.

With calcium in yogurt facials and seaweed wraps, some like to slather it on the skin, but it’s definitely better to get it on the inside. An easily absorbed, organic food supplement ensures plenty of natural calcium for a youthful body from head to toe.

AlgaeCal gives you the calcium, magnesium, boron, silica, vitamin K2, vitamin D3 and over 70 other important minerals that skin and bones need every day. Normal calcium tablets only provide you with calcium!

Only plant-based calcium is naturally sourced and doesn’t cause digestive discomfort.

No lab could ever come close to synthesizing a nutritional supplement that mimics the healthful goodness and nutrient balance as Mother Nature herself. If you’re taking a supplement to makeup for shortfalls in your diet, make sure it’s from natural sources.

Plant Calcium is Body Friendly. Traditional rock calcium supplements typically results in digestion problems and constipation experienced by many which is probably caused by the source of the calcium, impurities, sensitivities to chemical binders and fillers that form it into a tablet. Those who switched to certified organic plant calcium shared that their digestive discomfort alleviated. Simply because plants are easier to digest than rocks.

Live2Move AlgaeCal, a plant-based calcium, gives you the calcium, magnesium, boron, silica, vitamin K2, vitamin D3 and over 70 other important minerals that skin and bones need every day. Normal calcium tablets only provide you with calcium!

Do you know calcium carbonate or calcium citrate is rocks?

After age 40, everyone loses about 1% of our bone density each year, and daily calcium supplements to help slow that annual loss. It does work, but traditional calcium supplements does not increase your bone density, it only slows the loss.

The first calcium supplement entered the market in 1932. Dozens of studies have been conducted to measure the impact on human bone density and strength, yet there has not been a single performance improvement in calcium supplements since its introduction in 1932. It is still the same old technology that merely slows the loss of bone density.

Strong bones are actually attainable at any age, for almost everyone – and that includes YOU. 

How about building your calcium supplement with limestone and marble sand? Almost every calcium supplement is made of ground up rocks. If the box says calcium carbonate or calcium citrate, it is really saying “rocks”.

Which supplement should I eat?

Mineral balance is key as your bones are composed of more than 70 minerals, and calcium is only one of them – the most prevalent by volume, but perhaps not the most important. Ingesting 1200 mgs of calcium per day actually drives other equally important minerals such as magnesium and zinc out of your body. Now you understand why eating traditional rock calcium supplements can only slightly slow your decline into becoming a bent over.

Live2Move AlgaeCal, a plant-based calcium, gives you the calcium, magnesium, boron, silica, vitamin K2, vitamin D3 and over 70 other important minerals that skin and bones need every day. Normal calcium tablets only provide you with calcium!

How fast can you see results from eating Live2Move AlgaeCal versus normal calcium tablets?

It is a guaranteed fact that for most people, bone density WILL return to normal, no matter what age or condition, if properly nourished and supported. DEXA bone scan will show improved results in 12 short months from daily continuous consumption of Live2Move AlgaeCal.

A study was published in Nutrition Journal showing that a new calcium superfood complex called AlgaeCal could turn back the clock on aging bones for women even though some were in their mid 80’s. Finally, a new calcium and mineral source from marine algae, together with co-factors restored bone density to youthful levels in osteoporotic and osteopenic women and men.

A follow up study was released in the International Journal of Medical Sciences corroborating the first study results. Now five groups of adults in two published studies have increased their bone density from osteoporotic to normal. 

For the first time in more than 80 years of calcium supplement studies, it was proven that YOU CAN INCREASE your bone density.

Live2Move AlgaeCal is formulated for Asians. And it includes patented FruiteX-B.

Formulated for Asians

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of Live2Move AlgaeCal is adjusted for specifically for Asians, with close correlation to body size, weight and structure which is much lesser than that of Caucasians, thus our formula is most suitable for the daily requirements of most Asians.

Cares for your bones

AlgaeCal (Calcium, magnesium, boron, copper, manganese, silicon (silica), nickel, selenium, strontium, phosphorus, potassium, vanadium and zinc) + with added Magnesium + Vitamins D3 and C + Boron = Strong Bones

FruiteX-B cares for your joints

FruiteX-B® is a patented ingredient, identical to the borate carbohydrate complex commonly found in legumes, fruits, vegetables and certain beans, supported by over a decade of published research that establishes safety and statistically significant improvement in human joint comfort. In clinical studies, significant improvements have been shown in joint comfort with continued use of FruiteX-B®, after a long term 90-day period of time, providing opportunities for new and effective joint flexibility, joint health, bone health, and active lifestyle products.